
Welcome to the Department of Classics

Classics is the original interdisciplinary major. The study of classics at Kalamazoo College allows students to experience every facet of the cultures of the Greeks and Romans, spanning a period of more than a thousand years and the entire Mediterranean world. The study of the classical languages, classical Greek and Latin, is essential to this, but the department also encourages exploration of antiquity through courses in archaeology, art, history, religion, philosophy, as well as literature in translation.

Colossium in RomeLatinPython in GreeceAncient Mass Grave in GreeceWedding banquest of cupid and psycheGreek LanguageGreek MythologyGreek Philosophy

The department offers four majors–in Classics, Latin, Greek, and Classical Civilization–and three minors–in Latin, Greek, and Classical Civilization. Students intending to pursue the study of classical languages at the graduate level are encouraged to major in classics. Those who are interested in secondary school teaching, divinity school, or graduate work in a cognate area are encouraged to major in either Greek or Latin. Students who discover a passion for classical history or archaeology, or who discover the field late in their college careers, may be drawn to the major in Classical Civilization, which emphasizes work in translation.

Majors and minors in classics often enhance their studies of the ancient world through experiences that give them a first-hand appreciation of Roman and Greek civilizations. Through participation in our study abroad programs at American University in Rome, the Intercollegiate Center in Rome, and College Year in Athens, students learn about the ancient cities through on-site instruction, and augment their studies with courses in ancient and modern languages and cultures. In addition we work with students to find appropriate summer internships and archaeological fieldwork opportunities. Such a summer experiences often provides the basis for a senior integrated project, which can span a wide range: creative writing, historiography, archaeological fieldwork, literary analysis, and comparative studies of literature and culture.

Faculty interact with students in and out of the classroom. The Classics department has an active lecture series, promotes classically themed activities, and works with students to craft a major program helping them to attain their career goals. Our majors pursue graduate work in classics, as well as careers in the ministry, secondary school education, business, law, and the military.