
Courses offered for the 2024-25 Academic Year

This list is subject to change

Fall 2024

  • CLAS 213 Greco-Roman Slavery (Evans)
  • GREK 201 Intermediate Greek (TBD)
  • LATN 101 Beginning Latin I (Evans)

Winter 2025

  • CLAS 209 Intro to Roman Art & Archaeology (Evans)
  • CLAS 2XXX TBD (Manwell)
  • LATN 102 Beginning Latin II (Manwell)
  • LATN 430 Republican Prose (Evans)

Spring 2025

  • CLAS 212 Ancient Humans & Other Animals (Manwell)
  • CLAS 390/490 Junior and Senior Seminar in Classics (Evans)
  • GREK 101 Beginning Greek I (TBD)
  • LATN 201 Intermediate Latin (Evans)
  • LATN 475 Topics in Latin (Manwell)
  • LATN 476 Latin Fairy Tales (Manwell)